Frequency of TF1 the French channel on the Astra 19.2 satellite and on TNT digital terrestrial television

TF1  is one of the main French television channels, very popular for its varied programs. Belonging to the TF1 group, this channel broadcasts a wide range of content, including entertainment shows, television series, films, and news programs.

Among its flagship shows, we find:

Television news (JT): TF1 is renowned for its 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. news, presented by well-known journalists in France.

Entertainment programs: TF1 broadcasts shows like :

  1.  The Voice 
  2. The series
  3. Major sporting events

The frequency of the French channel TF1 on the Astra 19.2 satellite and on TNT digital terrestrial television

Frequency of  TF1 the French channel on the Astra 19.2
Frequency of  TF1 the French channel on the Astra 19.2 

The frequency of the TF1 France channel and other channels C8, CNEWS, CSTAR, F3 AUVERGNE, FRANCE 5, LCI, LCP, PARIS PREMIERE, TF1 SERIES FILMS is as follows:

♦️ Frequency: 12207

♦️ Satellite: Astra 19.2° East

♦️ Polarization: V

♦️ Symbol: 22000 DVB-S QPSK 

♦️ Correction rate: 5/6

To obtain the frequency of the aforementioned channels, all you have to do is visit the following link;

Other configuration and repair techniques :

TF1 is accessible free of charge in France on terrestrial television, as well as via cable, satellite, and streaming on its website and applications.

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